I fished one of the side creeks on the Magothy with my son on Saturday, 11-16-13, 10:00am-1:00pm. Action was surprisingly slow compared to last year’s successes at this same time & place. I’m sure the extra low low-tide was working against us in a big way. All total we caught about 8 pickerel and 1 yellow perch. As I remember, the 2 biggest pickerel were 21.5” and 22.5”. I think the extra low low-tide really hurt our efforts. You can see how low it was in the one pic. The water was surprisingly clear. We could see down 3’ or more in most areas. All the fish were caught on 3” pearl/pepper flaked twistertails on 1/4 oz jighead.
Magothy, 11-16-13 A.jpg
Magothy, 11-16-13 B.jpg
Magothy, 11-16-13 A.jpg
Magothy, 11-16-13 B.jpg