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Fishing Saturday 08/16

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  • #16
    I went Friday... after Romancoke and the 17.5 mile paddle at Rose Haven I needed a relaxing day with minimal effort.
    Caught a bunch of rock and perch... lots of bait fish on the surface.


    • #17
      I launched with everyone else at about 7 am at Goodhands. A very nice area and launch. Caught several perch and small rock. Caught one 18" Rock just north of the KN bridge throwing a rattletrap. The current there was tremendous and gave me all I could handle in my Outback (only the 5th time out with it).
      Grabbed a crab cake up the street from the launch and got on Rt 50 in time to sit there for 2.5 hours because of a bad wreck on the BB. No complaints from me about the wait--the injured had away worse day than I did. Thanks to Travis for suggesting the mini-event and it was nice meeting the others. Al


      • #18
        I heard a boat asking about the bridge, saying that one side was at a stand still when we were trolling around Thomas Point Lighthouse. When I got on 50 West from 665/Riva Road, the east going side of 50 was a parking lot, and that was less than two hours ago...the radio traffic I heard was at 11am or so.
        Hobie fleet:
        2017 Quest 13
        2015 Outback
        2014 Outback


        • #19
          I was too tired yesterday to right up a report, so here I go.
          Had a pretty good day on the water, the weather was beautiful and just enough of a breeze so you weren't cooking in the sun. I started off by catching a 16" striper about 30 minutes in by trolling a single rod with a salt water assassin (electric chicken color). That seems to be the color for me that has repeated success, or ones similar in color. As I was trying to take a quick picture he flopped himself back into the water. I caught a few more really small ones along the grass line. Then I moved over to the breaker wall where Hugo was at and had just caught a small blue fish. I did not have any success over on the wall trolling a spoon and the salt water assassins. Unless you count the 3inch striper I caught on a 3/8oz spoon. I did have one really good hit on the spoon but I did not set the hook well enough and it came off. We all trolled around the wall for a while but it was really slow and the tide was ripping through there. As everyone else headed back to the ramp around 11:30ish, Hugo and I decided to fish on. I found a shady spot and ate a quick lunch then started fishing. Since the bite slowed down on the stripers we switched to targeting Perch, that was a never ending bite. Between the two of us we had to catch close to fifty or more. Hugo was fishing a double hook set up and would catch two at a time. Overall it was a good fishing day, got to meet great new people and share new techniques and stories. Hugo and I finally left the water around 3:00 after we saw the traffic moving again from the bridge closing.
          Dune Hobie Pro Angler 12
          Orange Old Town NEXT


          • #20
            Originally posted by FL Boy View Post
            I found a shady spot and ate a quick lunch then started fishing.
            Hmm found my spot ehhh
            Blue 2016 Hobie Outback
            Chesapeake Bay Kayak Anglers, Inc


            • #21
              It seemed to be the only spot with shade in the entire Narrows.
              Dune Hobie Pro Angler 12
              Orange Old Town NEXT


              • #22
                If I wanted to east fish last night I'd have to depend on Mrs. Paul's, because I didn't get anything but a perch the size of a goldfish. A very small goldfish. What made the day worth it though was meeting five more terrific Snaggedline people. And the weather along with the scenery could not be beat. Lost a few BKD tails do to bluefish, I suppose. At some point I want to catch a striper I can eat

                Native Slayer Propel 12.5 Max
                Cobra Explorer


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Pc4sun View Post
                  If I wanted to east fish last night I'd have to depend on Mrs. Paul's, because I didn't get anything but a perch the size of a goldfish. A very small goldfish. What made the day worth it though was meeting five more terrific Snaggedline people. And the weather along with the scenery could not be beat. Lost a few BKD tails do to bluefish, I suppose. At some point I want to catch a striper I can eat
                  You should live line those small perch, or troll with them. If there is blue around, hook them at the tail. Blue is good eating as long as you like fish


                  • #24
                    FL, I was eating lunch with my grandma at the Narrows around 1ish. She was talking and I was nodding my head saying "uhhuh", but I actually watching you and one other work the bank between the yacht club and the bridge. I didn't see any hook ups, because I had to turn my head after a few casts. I couldn't handle the jealousy any longer. I can't wait to get out there with everybody. I can only handle a few hours at a time while I rehab from a bad year health wise. When I think I am ready, you guys will see a lot of me. Also, thinking the option to peddle and paddle will help. So I will be looking at the 2015 Hobie line. Look forward to crossing paths, but not crossing lines.



                    • #25
                      Originally posted by yakPHISHn View Post
                      FL, I was eating lunch with my grandma at the Narrows around 1ish. She was talking and I was nodding my head saying "uhhuh", but I actually watching you and one other work the bank between the yacht club and the bridge. I didn't see any hook ups, because I had to turn my head after a few casts. I couldn't handle the jealousy any longer. I can't wait to get out there with everybody. I can only handle a few hours at a time while I rehab from a bad year health wise. When I think I am ready, you guys will see a lot of me. Also, thinking the option to peddle and paddle will help. So I will be looking at the 2015 Hobie line. Look forward to crossing paths, but not crossing lines.
                      Sorry to hear you haven't been able to get out because of health. I love my my Hobie PA, its a lot different from the paddling. Hope to see you out on the water soon.
                      Dune Hobie Pro Angler 12
                      Orange Old Town NEXT


                      • #26
                        Glad you all had fun out there.
                        Last edited by mibytes; 08-17-2014, 06:30 PM.
                        GO RAVENS!!!
                        D10 Ascend


                        • #27
                          Okay. I am not very comfortable posting, but here goes...
                          I fished the right side near the launch. Like most everyone else, I got plenty of pullage but nothing stayed on. I went over to the wall with Pc4sun and didn't have any luck there either so I decided to bottom fish. I used bloodworms on a tandem rig and caught two perch on my first try. Finally got the skunk off! I was looking for croaker so I moved to a different spot and started catching SPOT. I caught a bunch of them but decided to keep eight of the bigger ones. I don't own a camera yet so no pics to post. It was great meeting new Snaggedline folks. This was my first time at Goodhands but it won't be my last.
                          2015 Outback
                          2016 Outback LE

                          GO PATRIOTS !!!

