Having grown up on Page Ave at Lynnhaven Inlet, I have fished Lynnhaven and Rudee Inlet for over 50 years. I have caught many memorable speckled trout, gray trout and redfish. I have fished Rudee in the days of the 10 lb plus gray trout in the 1970’s and the 6 pound plus speckled trout at Duck Inn and Lessner Bridge. In recent years respect and consideration for fellow anglers has greatly wained. My last three outings have really put a sour taste in my mouth this week. These events below happened every day. This is an act of someone whom knows very little about trout and redfish habits.
While fishing the grass beds and being anchored 25 yards off the bank I have boats and kayaks now coming between the bank and me! These folks motor along, ask if your catching anything and continue as if it is just another day on the water. I dare say at the end of the day, ask them what their catch was. My guess, slim to none.
The old saying holds true in my eyes, 10% of the fisherman catch 90% of the fish. Speckled trout in Rudee are easily spooked on the shallow grass beds. Don’t be this fellow! Show a little respect and consideration.
This year I have caught well over 50 speckled trout over 20”. If you see me on the water in the Lu Lu, my homemade skiff, yell and I will gladly tell you the days catch. Just don’t come between me and the grass beds.
While fishing the grass beds and being anchored 25 yards off the bank I have boats and kayaks now coming between the bank and me! These folks motor along, ask if your catching anything and continue as if it is just another day on the water. I dare say at the end of the day, ask them what their catch was. My guess, slim to none.
The old saying holds true in my eyes, 10% of the fisherman catch 90% of the fish. Speckled trout in Rudee are easily spooked on the shallow grass beds. Don’t be this fellow! Show a little respect and consideration.
This year I have caught well over 50 speckled trout over 20”. If you see me on the water in the Lu Lu, my homemade skiff, yell and I will gladly tell you the days catch. Just don’t come between me and the grass beds.