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Nogging Again after a Brief Togging - Nov 9 (wed)

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  • Nogging Again after a Brief Togging - Nov 9 (wed)

    I wished Michael (Redfish12) were with me. He usually carries tons of fishing stuff.

    I was well prepared. I even replaced 4 tires on my truck because I didn’t want any troubles since it will be a long distance trip. Also I bought a Hobbie Revo for fishing bridge Pilings for Tog. The Adventure was too long (16.5’) around the pilings.

    My truck had been loaded for more than a week. I finished work at 2:00AM Wednesday and left for CBBT at 5:00am. I stopped by the BassPro in Hampton around 7:00am to buy a couple of rod tops. I found that the BassPro opens at 9:00am during the weekday.

    I stopped by Ocean East 2 (tackle and bait shop). The shop didn’t have fiddler crab again. But it was not a problem because I bought a dozen of blue crab a day before the trip.

    At the beach, I waited for a while because of the thick fog. In the past, one day, I had experienced thick fog for whole day. The Visibility was about 30’ that day and I was almost run over by a charter boat pulling planner boards. So I waited patiently for two hours until the thick fog dissipated at 09:55am.

    I had two rods, two reels (Shimano Cardiff 301 (purchased in September (used once) and Penn 209M ( I fixed it months ago), 40 Tog rigs, 30 sinkers and 1 dozen of blue crab.

    I started trolling toward the First Island. In 15 minutes I hooked a 22 inch striper on a plastic diving crank bait. Then I hooked a nice striper at 31-32 inch on the same lure but the super braided line got cut by the barnacles on the pilings when fish pulled away (while preparing the camera)

    I met a couple of kayakers at the First Island. They were there 4-6 hours and caught 4 tog by using blue crab. They left and I fished hard. In 45 minutes, I began to feel tog bites and I was ready. But all of sudden the Cardiff got jammed. I couldn’t let out the line. The clutch bar and clutch bar guide plate broke loose. Not a problem since I had a spare reel, an old Penn which I repaired before the trip. I thought I fixed the Penn reel well. But once I put a 4oz sinker, the gears rattle and jammed/slipped. I couldn’t reel in the line with a sinker attached on the rig.

    I just didn’t have enough time to buy a new reel and come back out again. Rob would do that I thought. If I were with Redfish, I could continuously fish. But I was alone. I didn’t curse. I quietly moved around the First Island to see what others were doing for 2.5 hours. I saw one Tog, two 23-25 inch striper on a plastic surface plug, two black sea bass on the tog rigs.

    I met 4 free divers spear-fishing for tog. Seeing spear fishermen was a nice bonus to me. I always was interested in spear-fishing CBBT or HRBT. But I didn’t know how it can be done because of poor visibility of the water. I learned how/where to start spear-fishing in CBBT and HRBT.

    On the way back home I stopped by the BassPro in Hampton to buy rod tops for my tog rod. I chatted with a friendly employee about my fishing mishaps. The employee suggested me that I talk with the customer service about the broken reel. Later, a manager found my purchase record (September) using my credit card number and gave me the full refund ($115). With the refund, I bought an Abu Garcia for tog.

    The water temp was 57-58F at CBBT. I don’t know what 57-58F means for Tog-Fishing exactly. Hopefully, I can come back for tog soon with the new reel and a good spare reel.

    Video Log for the future reference:

    Fish like there's no tomorrow.
    Youtube UserID: ComeOnFish01 (Over 300 kayak fishing videos in mid-Atlantic (DE, MD & VA)

  • #2
    Always coulda hand lined it. lol nice report, sorry these tog aren't doing there best to cooperate.


    • #3
      Sorry to hear about the equipment problems Joe, that sucks.
      2012 Hobie Revo 13'
      2012 Hobie PA12'


      • #4
        I certainly would have gone with you if I had the chance, Joe.

        In spite of all the disappointments, you kept a cool head and still tried to enjoy what you had. Great attitude!

        How did the divers get out there? Boat? I use to spear fish in Hawaii during my High School days. We used home-made spear guns and Hawaiian slings (a simple type of spearing device). We just had a mask, snorkel, fins and spear. One time I went out with a dozen guys near the reef. It gets nervous when there's a bunch of spears pointing every which way. I never did a lot of spearing to get really good at it, but I sure miss it. Hmmm... it's maybe something to think about for next year.

        If we're lucky, maybe the weather will cooperate for a trip out to CBBT before the year ends.
        Last edited by tufnik; 11-13-2011, 11:42 AM.
        2015 Hobie Outback (yellow)
        2011 Hobie Outback (yellow)
        2009 OK Prowler Trident 13 Angler (orange)


        • #5
          Originally posted by tufnik View Post
          I certainly would have gone with you if I had the chance, Joe.

          In spite of all the disappointments, you kept a cool head and still tried to enjoy what you had. Great attitude!

          How did the divers get out there? Boat? I use to spear fish in Hawaii during my High School days. We used home-made spear guns and Hawaiian slings (a simple type of spearing device). We just had a mask, snorkel, fins and spear. One time I went out with a dozen guys near the reef. It gets nervous when there's a bunch of spears pointing every which way. I never did a lot of spearing to get really good at it, but I sure miss it. Hmmm... it's maybe something to think about for next year.

          If we're lucky, maybe the weather will cooperate for a trip out to CBBT before the year ends.
          I have tried spearfishing in Maui. It was the hardest place for visitors because the fish weren’t there. Also I memorized the type of fish I can shoot but it was very confusing once in the water. The species were very different and it was hard to memorize Hawaiian names of the fish. The only places I can see big fish and I can get close to them were sanctuaries/parks.
          Anyway, the divers at CBBT had a 26-28’ cuddy cabin. I bet they had a portable Propane heater. They were wearing 7MM wetsuit and hoods. I don’t think it is possible for us using kayak when Air temp is below 75F. Also it has to be a sunny day.
          Two were at the shore line and two dove. They were at least 120’ apart. They dove in 10-15’ of water. I didn’t think they could see any fish.
          I practiced a few times in Lake Anna to get used to dive in murky water. It was hard to dive in 15’ of water when I couldn’t see the bottom from the surface. The visibility was about 5-7’ after many bass boat passed by in Lake Anna. I almost lost a pole spear because it was very hard to see where it landed
          I am planning to dive the HRBT rock piles for sheepshead or spadefish when the water temp is at least 70F and Air temp is over 75F. I will be using a gun. I don’t want to lose a pole spear
          Fish like there's no tomorrow.
          Youtube UserID: ComeOnFish01 (Over 300 kayak fishing videos in mid-Atlantic (DE, MD & VA)


          • #6
            Spearfishing is Hawaii took quite a bit of skill. Visibility was very good, but you have to know how to stalk the fish, especially the larger fish. You also should be a good swimmer to be able to move quickly and steathily around the rock structure. Otherwise, you're limited to fish that hang out in the holes. You simply dive down, look in the holes and spear the fish. Even this method takes practice. Once you have the bleeding fish, you have to watch for sharks and big moral eels.

            Would you take a yak out to the rocks at HRBT? What kind of spear gun would you use? Do the fish hang out in the holes or do you have to stalk it?
            2015 Hobie Outback (yellow)
            2011 Hobie Outback (yellow)
            2009 OK Prowler Trident 13 Angler (orange)


            • #7
              This summer while living in Ocean City I talked to a lot of locals and they say there are a number of people that spearfish and dive the south jetty that angles into the bay towards assateague for flounder, sheeps, tog, sea bass.


              • #8
                Originally posted by tufnik View Post
                Would you take a yak out to the rocks at HRBT? What kind of spear gun would you use? Do the fish hang out in the holes or do you have to stalk it?
                I will take a kayak and I will bring fishing rods and snorkeling gears. I will put the Diver-down flag on the kayak and will carry an inflatable float with the diver-down flag. I have a travel size spear gun with single sling that can be carried in a large suitcase. This way I don't pay extra money for an extra luggage. Mine is good enough for 5-8lb fish and effective range is 3-4'. I don't know how tog react to divers. I never shoot sheepshead and spadefish because they were too small and I didn't know spadefish is good eating fish. Spadefish and sheepshead kept certain distance, 6-8 ' from me. I have to be very stealthy for Sheeps and Spadefish I think. Some of them will come to me to check me out if I am still and waiting for them to come. They don't hide in holes I think. Once I learn the spearfishing is doable I may buy a bigger gun with two slings.

                Fish like there's no tomorrow.
                Youtube UserID: ComeOnFish01 (Over 300 kayak fishing videos in mid-Atlantic (DE, MD & VA)


                • #9
                  Saw a video where a guy nailed a tog using a pole spear. Looked like fun. It may even be more productive than fishing. Could hunt for flounder, togs, etc. Will have to check this out for next year's fishing.
                  2015 Hobie Outback (yellow)
                  2011 Hobie Outback (yellow)
                  2009 OK Prowler Trident 13 Angler (orange)


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by tufnik View Post
                    Saw a video where a guy nailed a tog using a pole spear. Looked like fun. It may even be more productive than fishing. Could hunt for flounder, togs, etc. Will have to check this out for next year's fishing.
                    Pole-spear-able fish... They are easy target then. I already have 6.5mm suit. guess I will buy a 5-7mm hood and MORE weight. Seriously, let's try next year spring.

                    Fish like there's no tomorrow.
                    Youtube UserID: ComeOnFish01 (Over 300 kayak fishing videos in mid-Atlantic (DE, MD & VA)


                    • #11
                      I need to get the suit and the spear... but I'd be down to try it.
                      Used to fish more.


                      • #12
                        How much for a good set of gear? A thousand bucks?
                        (wetsuit, pole spear, fins, mask, snorkel, weights)
                        2015 Hobie Outback (yellow)
                        2011 Hobie Outback (yellow)
                        2009 OK Prowler Trident 13 Angler (orange)

