So what happened to that storm? Or any of the rain? It got cooler, that's about it. I went out in search of LMB and got three species. LMB, perch and a 20" bullhead(I think) maybe flathead? I'm not the best with catfish but he gave me a decent fight. 14" LMB came from the rocks across from the launch using a jointed fire tiger crank bait. I fished and fished and couldn't get anything else. I worked my way down to the rt 1 bridge and decided to call it a day. I decided to troll my way back to the launch just to give it a shot. using a glass shad crank bait I caught the other two fish! I was really surprised to see a perch on the big bait and also surprised to see a catfish while trolling. I might troll more on days like today.
No announcement yet.
Occoquan 3-25
Not a bad mix of species.I'd say your catfish was a channel cat. Below the Rt. 1 bridge, there's an expansive flats on the northeast side of the river that can hold bass, but the ones I've caught there were in the same size range. A couple of the guys from the board caught some nice bass out of Pohick Bay last year. Where would you launch on Dogue Creek? I've wanted to fish that for years because it's snakehead central, but I could never figure out a place to launch.
Yellow Hobie Revo Rube Goldberg
Yellow Tarpon 120
Suprised i did not run across you on the water...
The catfish is a channel catfish.
I was also on the water yesterday at Occuquan..
Was really good fishing yesterday and i can say that the shad are in!
First off i launched and went in search of American, Hickory shads and Blueback herring.
Within a few minutes trolling a tandem shad dart combo i managed this fine specimen of a hickory shad.
I managed about 5 hickory shads in the same range within an hour of casting and trolling small shad darts.
I also managed several great looking Blueback Herring.
I went in search of an early snakehead bite at the head waters without success. Water is still a little cold i think..
I switched back to shad darts and tied into something big.. After a long great fight with many strong runs i landed this fine River Carpsucker. My first ever.
The one fish species i expected to find was white perch in force but failed to find even a single fish. But while searching for them i was jigging a dropoff in 15 feet of water and found this beast on the silver buddy!!
This bass was 21" and i estimate 6 lbs. My best so far for 2012.
I also managed half a dozen 12" black crappie and an 6 lb channel catfish and a few other smaller bass to 2 lbs.
Good fishing and tight lines.
Sorry for hyjacking your thread but i figured it is the same report same day why make two posts.
Meadeo2012 135 Wilderness Systems Angler
Im with you, too many "Occoquan" titled posts anyway. What area were you fishing? I was out from 8am-2pm. I should have went upstream but decided to hit a few places down stream instead. I didn't see any kayaker's and not many boaters either. It was painfully slow for me. I used a jerk bait, spinners, jigs and cranks but just couldn't find the fish. They must have swam up to you. When I was trolling back I thought I was trolling a few good areas but hardly got a hit on the FF.-Jon
Revo 13
Originally posted by Meadeo View PostFished from 12 pm to 4 pm. I went directly upriver to the head water. The fish get stacked up there this time of year with spawning on there minds.
Revo 13
Originally posted by jsnyd86 View Posthmm outgoing tide. I guess my incoming tide and the high water from the rain is still a bit premature for the bigger guys. I'm going to fish for shad this coming weekend and had planned to head up that way. Never fished for shad before. any tips?
Red and white shad darts are the top producers.
Sometimes an inline 1/4 oz weight with a small spoon is deadly.
I plan on hitting it this upcoming weekend if you would like to meet up and i can show you the spots.
Meadeo2012 135 Wilderness Systems Angler
Originally posted by Meadeo View PostRed and white shad darts are the top producers.
Sometimes an inline 1/4 oz weight with a small spoon is deadly.
I plan on hitting it this upcoming weekend if you would like to meet up and i can show you the spots.
Revo 13