Well after a couple of my buddies were quick to send me photos of some "speck"tacular fish after my report last week, I felt like I needed to try and up my game
So I was back at it early this morning. Had the yak in the water around 5:40 at a new place on the Northern Bayside of VA. I had spent a lot of time researching Google Earth, NOAA charts, and chatting up some locals picking this spot. I did not see another person or boat until 9:00, by then I was well on the way to putting up some better fish for this report. Highlight of the morning was what I call my Stretch24, if I could only stretch my 23.75 fish another 1/4 in. I would have my first paper Speck
Oh well, I did manage to boat a 20" and 16.5" (I wanted to release this one, but he was hooked too deep). I also lost two very nice fish at the boat, I was learning the hard way how much upward pressure a speck's mouth will take during netting. Finished with a healthy striper full of fight for his 17.5" length. He will be legal soon. I had a family function this afternoon, so I was loaded and heading home by 10:15. Equipment wise, I did go away from the treble hook, too much grass. I use jigs, hiding the hook as much as I dared in the chartreuse and black sparkle BA. The big boy was caught on a pink Storm curly tail behind a float popper. Even though my wife was excited to get some filets for the frig., she is starting to roll her eyes as I was trying figure out how soon I find a way to go again...Think I am coming down with Speck Fever!1.jpg2.jpg3.jpg4.jpg
