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Flying on the Magothy

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  • Flying on the Magothy

    My son Adam and I paddled and tossed flies in two Magothy Creeks this morning, Cockey and Cattail. The sky was overcast, the wind was low and the tide was falling fast -- my favorite fishing conditions.

    We have each caught largemouth bass in the upper Magothy before but only sporadically. This morning our first four fish were largemouth bass. I caught three of the four, two this size and one smaller on an articulated crystal bugger with a red body and yellow tail:


    However, Adam topped me with this very nice catch:

    Adam Bass (2).jpg

    He used an all yellow articulated crystal bugger.

    We also went through a pickerel phase. We caught 5. My largest was 21 inches and Adam’s was 18 inches. I have no photo of either of those but here’s a smaller one of mine also on the red and yellow articulated crystal bugger:


    Finally, I caught a 21-inch channel cat on the same red fly. I was using a new 7-weight rod with floating line. The channel cat put a big bend in it to the point that I was worried it would break. It didn’t but it took me what seemed forever to get that fish to rise to my net.

    P1050586 (4).jpg

    Here’s the busy fly:


    We caught the bass and catfish in slightly deeper water 5 yards or so from shore casting near dock pilings and under the deck.

    Each of the picks were tight to shore or seawalls.

    So, an overall nice morning flying on the Magothy.
    Last edited by Mark; 10-24-2021, 02:43 PM.
    Pasadena, MD

    Slate Hobie Revolution 13
    Hidden Oak Native Ultimate 12
    Lizard Lick Native Ultimate FX Pro

  • #2
    Congrats on finding those Bass, glad you and Adam got on the water today. Am sure you enjoyed yourself.
    John Rentch

    Native Ultimate 12 FX Pro
    Hobie Revolution 11


    • #3

      I certainly did have a good time.

      A striper would have added to the fun yesterday but we caught none. I saw no baitfish in the creeks like you and I did earlier in the week in the Severn. I casted to spots in moving water where stripers should have been but no luck.

      I did catch a 12 inch white perch which I failed to mention, my largest of the year. It pulled so hard, I thought it was another bass.

      The water was clean and clear. I believe those conditions encourage picks to attack flies.
      Pasadena, MD

      Slate Hobie Revolution 13
      Hidden Oak Native Ultimate 12
      Lizard Lick Native Ultimate FX Pro


      • #4
        Originally posted by gshappell
        That is a great time, congrats to you and your son for a successful outing!
        Thank you!

        We're fortunate here in "The Dena" to live between two rivers, the Magothy and the Patapsco. Plus the Severn is nearby.
        Pasadena, MD

        Slate Hobie Revolution 13
        Hidden Oak Native Ultimate 12
        Lizard Lick Native Ultimate FX Pro

