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It Just Got Real!!

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  • #16
    I start it just before I get in my PA at the boat ramp. BUT, I have added a simple piece of rope to the pull handle. I had it out today and man was it GREAT!! While I was on the water I used the motor to get to my spot, then switched over to my Mirage Drive. When I was ready to go home, I just turned around and pulled the cord. Took 2 pulls and it was off to the races. I had it up to 8.2 mph. That was a little squirrelly with the turning at that speed. At 5 mph I was very comfortable and it was a very smooth ride.
    2017 Hobie PA14


    • #17
      So here is a video from today (11 MAY). I was going into the tide and wind and still hit 6.6 mph.
      2017 Hobie PA14


      • #18
        Welcome to the world of Kayak motor fisherman!

        I'm curious, have you played with the motor angle to find a sweet spot? I found that, by changing my motor angle, I was able to pick up a little speed and better turning. I switched my motor over to my rudder cables as a fixed motor didn't turn as tight as I wanted. Fishing the Annapolis area in the summer, you need a maneuverable vessel do to the wakes from fast traffic.

        Ocean Kayak Trident 13 Angler (Sand)
        MK Endura Max 55 backup power
        Vibe Skipjack 90

        Graduate of the University of the Republic of South Vietnam, class of 1972


        • #19
          John, at this time I have not adjusted the angle. I was using the rudder to turn it. That way does take a little longer to turn and I have been trying to come up with an idea on turning using the motor.
          2017 Hobie PA14


          • #20
            What I did to mine was to put two four inch eyebolts on the shaft housing and I connected them to my rudder peddals. (rudder removed of course) This turns much faster than using the rudder with the motor fixed. The only drawback is that I can't pivot the motor up without removing the rudder cables. This isn't a big deal as I launch from areas that have shallow water launches. I just step out and walk back and unhook the cables. (they have hand tightened fiber lock nut and bolt.)

            For finding out how your yak likes to be trimmed. It is helpful to have someone ride along side to see how the bow is riding as you make adjustments. That plus watching the speed differences, especially at lower speeds like 2-3 MPH will give you an idea as to the sweet spot.

            Oh, in case you didn't think about it, you should seal everything under the cover with a good silicone adhesive and connect a cable between the motor and the mount. Getting turtlled is not an if but a when type of thing.

            Ocean Kayak Trident 13 Angler (Sand)
            MK Endura Max 55 backup power
            Vibe Skipjack 90

            Graduate of the University of the Republic of South Vietnam, class of 1972

