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Ascend, any good

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  • Ascend, any good

    So I am kayakless, never owned one. I started looking at them when I ran across some vids of guys catching Tarpon from a kayak.. then I ran into some vids of guys catching sharks in kayaks... anyways I grew up fishing in Minnesota and have been in MD for 15 or so years (not done any fishing here). Last year I started getting back into it and forcing my son to "enjoy" it too... all from the shore.

    I originally wanted a boat (jon boat, or skiff, or something).. but then I thought about kayak fishing.. I love the idea. Looking at kayaks it seems you are in for close to $1k for a decent kayak.. But Bass Pro has the ascend kayaks for $400. Now they are sit-in kayaks but do have nice seats. You couldn't stand up in them... I would prefer a sit-on-top that you can stand on. I am wondering.. for less than half the price are the Ascend Kayaks worth it, for someone just getting into the yaking sport? Should I wait and get the yak I want?

    Looking for opinions here as there is no right answer.. I don't think.
    People who use the word "literally" wrong literally kill me.

  • #2
    Hobie outback!! Get one.... it'll change your life!! LOL

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    • #3
      your best bet is to look on craigslist for used kayaks. just be patient and constantly check for deals to pop up.
      2016 Hobie Mirage Outback
      Ocean Kayak Prowler 13


      • #4
        I don't have any experience with the Ascend, but I did got the Bass Pro route for my first kayak (which was also a sit in kayak "SinK), and I wouldn't suggest that. Check craigslist for a better used kayak. That keeps the budget more manageable, but gets you a better boat. Definitely go with a sit on top, no matter how much you spend.

        Longer is better too. My first SinK was only 9 feet long, and fairly wide. It wasn't the worst thing in the world, but it spun like a top with the slightest breeze or reeling in a crankbait.

        If I was you, I would save up and get the best boat you can personally justify. It's tough spending a lot of money on a small plastic boat, but man it's worth it when you get a good kayak.

        Kayak fishing in reservoirs, rivers and the Chesapeake Bay is one of my favorite things to do in MD. I'm originally from South Dakota (I miss the walleye fishing of back home), got here in early 2001 the first time and stayed for 8 years until we came back from Korea this spring.
        Hobie fleet:
        2017 Quest 13
        2015 Outback
        2014 Outback


        • #5
          Originally posted by KDT88 View Post
          Hobie outback!! Get one.... it'll change your life!! LOL
          ^This^ Hobie Outback is an awesome kayak, been on mine at least once a week since April.
          Hobie fleet:
          2017 Quest 13
          2015 Outback
          2014 Outback


          • #6
            Just buy a used kayak. I would not even bother with one of those ascends. I see fully rigged kayaks go for $800 or less all the time.

            Yes, the outback is one of the best money can buy, but you could buy nice used kayaks for you, your son, and probably a couple of extras for your buddies for the price of one outback.


            • #7
              Originally posted by JohnE View Post
              Just buy a used kayak. I would not even bother with one of those ascends. I see fully rigged kayaks go for $800 or less all the time.

              Yes, the outback is one of the best money can buy, but you could buy nice used kayaks for you, your son, and probably a couple of extras for your buddies for the price of one outback.
              True statement.

              Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


              • #8
                Like I said I grew up in Minnesota Walleye fishing. I tell guys about it and they say "what is a walleye?"... little do they eating fish I have found. I actually did some commercial fishing in Lake superior on my summer breaks in highschool.

                Just as I thought, the consensus is to "spend once, use forever". I really need a boat with a new lawn chair style seat , my back gets sore and I am not as young as I once was.. those molded in seats, once in that seat I think you would need a fork lift to get my ass out of it. I will save up and keep an eye out for a good deal. One thing about paddle/Peddal boating is that there is no maintenance.. you are broke? just don't go out.. where as a power boat there are LOTS of hidden expenses even for a jon boat.
                People who use the word "literally" wrong literally kill me.


                • #9
                  I started with an ascend fs10 and I know others on here have them or have had them. You get what you pay for but it floats and gets you out on the water. For someone not wanting to go all in right away it's an ok option. But yea, you can get a better yak used for just a bit more.
                  Blue 2016 Hobie Outback
                  Chesapeake Bay Kayak Anglers, Inc


                  • #10
                    I've found a few walleye around here, caught 5 one day...only two of them were legal (15" minimum) keepers. Walleye are my favorite fish for eating too, but white perch and striper are pretty good too.
                    Hobie fleet:
                    2017 Quest 13
                    2015 Outback
                    2014 Outback


                    • #11
                      I went up to Starrkmoonkayaksandgear and checked that place out a few weekends ago.. that place is NEAT!!!
                      I sat in the FeelFree Lure 12 and that was as nice as any of the others I have looked at. Only $1k new.. that is my lead yak right now for a single.. but honestly I probably need a tandem for my 6yo so it is pretty much the big tuna... $1600 new.
                      People who use the word "literally" wrong literally kill me.


                      • #12
                        i see ocean kayak malibu two xl's on sale quite frequently on craigslist. they go for around $400-$600 depending on the seller.
                        you could also check out the west marine abaco 13.5 for $499. my cousin just picked one up a month ago and the mold definitely seems to be of better quality than the ascends.
                        2016 Hobie Mirage Outback
                        Ocean Kayak Prowler 13


                        • #13
                          thanks for all of you guys's input..

                          Not to hijack my own thread but when you guys throw on a trolling motor, do you register your kayak with DNR? I read you were supposed to get a MD boaters registration.. but wonder if most people DO get one..
                          People who use the word "literally" wrong literally kill me.


                          • #14
                            I love my Outback for sure. They'll set you back a bit though. As far as standing up, I think it's a bit over rated to be honest, especially at the expense of speed. I've seen people stand on an Outback but I'm not really comfortable doing it.

                            Light Tackle Kayak Trolling the Chesapeake Bay, Author
                            Light Tackle Kayak Jigging the Chesapeake Bay, Author
                            Light Tackle Fishing Patterns of the Chesapeake Bay, Author
                            Kokatat Pro Staff
                            Torqeedo Pro Staff
                            Humminbird Pro Staff

                            2011 Ivory Dune Outback and 2018 Solo Skiff


                            • #15
                              Human powered no registration required. Having a motor, it is supposed to be registered.
                              Hobie fleet:
                              2017 Quest 13
                              2015 Outback
                              2014 Outback

