The boss man gave me tomorrow off for my bday, of course Friday has gone from 1 foot, to 2-3 building higher after lunch. The forecast is worse down by Breezy and Chessy beach. My game plan was to troll tomorrow, and bottom fish for Croaker on saturday with Chuck. They are saying it should be decent in the AM till lunch. I also had a radio on order from west marine but they shipped it late and it now won't be here until tomorrow evening. So, that said, I am considering launching from Matapeake in hope of finding cleaner water then I would at SPSP. The latest satelite imagery has been cloudy, has anyone been over the bridge recently and seen how bad it still is with the recent rain?
So Matapeake, SPSP, Or.. do I stick to my guns and launch from breezy or chessy beach early and just watch the forecast ? Always have a hard time making a decision after my main plans are jeopardized by weather.
dhmjd's fish gives me hope that fish are around up there still..
So Matapeake, SPSP, Or.. do I stick to my guns and launch from breezy or chessy beach early and just watch the forecast ? Always have a hard time making a decision after my main plans are jeopardized by weather.

dhmjd's fish gives me hope that fish are around up there still..