Picked this from another site. I highlighted an interesting element that should attract a couple of you guys...
However, coming from Virginia there's no way I can be at the Friday captain's meeting. I've contacted the organizers to see if it's mandatory or not and what the procedure would be in the morning. In any event, we should organize some guys to support this event and it's conservation cause. Who's up for an early June M&G? Take a look:
The annual Coastal Conservation Association Maryland (CCA MD)- Kent Narrows Fly & Light Tackle Striper Tournament will be held Saturday, June 4, with a new approach—a catch and release format.
The tourney will again feature three divisions—fly, light tackle, and kayak. Tournament boundaries are the Sassafras River to the north and Cedar Point to the south. Lines may go in at 5:30 a.m., and the deadline for photo weigh-in is 3:30 p.m. at The Jetty Restaurant at Kent Narrows.
“We have moved the tournament to a catch and release style to reflect CCA’s concern for conservation of the resource,” said Tony Friedrich, CCA MD executive director. “While participants may keep fish, judging will be based on a photo. We’ll issue all captains a CCA-approved ruler to use in the photo.”
Sponsors for this year’s tournament are Under Armour, Shore Tackle, Annapolis Boat Sales, and Kent Island Kayaks. Awards will be presented for the top three fish in each division, but an angler is eligible for only one award.
The per-angler registration cost is $40, which includes a one-year membership for those not already CCA members. All participants will receive a tournament shirt, and there will be free food and beer at The Jetty from 3-6 p.m. Registration can be made on the CCA MD website, www.ccamd.org.
A captains meeting is scheduled for Friday, June 3, at 5 p.m. at Shore Tackle on Kent Island, to discuss rules, distribute rulers and pass out tournament shirts.
For additional information contact, Tony Friedrich, 202-744-5013, or tony@ccamd.org.

However, coming from Virginia there's no way I can be at the Friday captain's meeting. I've contacted the organizers to see if it's mandatory or not and what the procedure would be in the morning. In any event, we should organize some guys to support this event and it's conservation cause. Who's up for an early June M&G? Take a look:
The annual Coastal Conservation Association Maryland (CCA MD)- Kent Narrows Fly & Light Tackle Striper Tournament will be held Saturday, June 4, with a new approach—a catch and release format.
The tourney will again feature three divisions—fly, light tackle, and kayak. Tournament boundaries are the Sassafras River to the north and Cedar Point to the south. Lines may go in at 5:30 a.m., and the deadline for photo weigh-in is 3:30 p.m. at The Jetty Restaurant at Kent Narrows.
“We have moved the tournament to a catch and release style to reflect CCA’s concern for conservation of the resource,” said Tony Friedrich, CCA MD executive director. “While participants may keep fish, judging will be based on a photo. We’ll issue all captains a CCA-approved ruler to use in the photo.”
Sponsors for this year’s tournament are Under Armour, Shore Tackle, Annapolis Boat Sales, and Kent Island Kayaks. Awards will be presented for the top three fish in each division, but an angler is eligible for only one award.
The per-angler registration cost is $40, which includes a one-year membership for those not already CCA members. All participants will receive a tournament shirt, and there will be free food and beer at The Jetty from 3-6 p.m. Registration can be made on the CCA MD website, www.ccamd.org.
A captains meeting is scheduled for Friday, June 3, at 5 p.m. at Shore Tackle on Kent Island, to discuss rules, distribute rulers and pass out tournament shirts.
For additional information contact, Tony Friedrich, 202-744-5013, or tony@ccamd.org.