From the time of year and location, I would say it was most likely a hammerhead, Bob- When King fishing off the NC piers in late May and early June most of the times we got spooled on 30# tackle was by big hammerheads- they ate baits and would have multiple float rigs hanging out of their mouths- we had one that stayed around the Outer Banks pier that we nicknamed the Lunchtime express- about a 1000 pound hammerhead that would clear the end of the pier and just swim off after eating all the float rigs and pin rigs we had out for Cobia and Kings- most of us were smart enough to try to get the rigs in if we saw him in time- and a hammer can make a reel scream like a king hit then settle down to a run away Greyhound bus until it gets to the bottom of the spool- it is funny to see ten or so anglers all hooked up to the same fish- all being long as it isn't you.
