A saw a plug for this product while watching kayak bassin' or the kayak fishing show a while back on world fishing network. This is a pair of line cutters that are retractable and about the size of a key chain. I've been out plenty of times with these and I boy do I love these things. I clip them to the side of my seat and whenever I need to tie on a lure, they're always within reach, and I never have to worry about dropping them into the drink. I haven't tried them on braid yet, but they cut like a hot knife through butter on anything I've tried so far. You can also lock the snips shut so they don't snag or cut something by mistake. If you're still using some cutters that do not float, then I encourage you to check these out!
A saw a plug for this product while watching kayak bassin' or the kayak fishing show a while back on world fishing network. This is a pair of line cutters that are retractable and about the size of a key chain. I've been out plenty of times with these and I boy do I love these things. I clip them to the side of my seat and whenever I need to tie on a lure, they're always within reach, and I never have to worry about dropping them into the drink. I haven't tried them on braid yet, but they cut like a hot knife through butter on anything I've tried so far. You can also lock the snips shut so they don't snag or cut something by mistake. If you're still using some cutters that do not float, then I encourage you to check these out!