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Anyone interested in doing mini tournaments for the M&G's?

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  • #16
    My thought is not to turn the focus of the M&G towards competition, it is to add a little friendly competition for the sake of fun. I was also presenting it as an option for those that wanted some friendly competition, not a requirement for people to come.

    I wasn't around for the old lure competitions (wish I was, sounds cooler than the money) but I don't see that as a deterent to people coming to the M&G. I think more poeple come now due to the increase in popularity of the sport and the subsequent increase in membership on the site.

    For me, winning a few lures or even $20/$30/$40 is no reason to "rush to catch fish" or not speak to anyone. It wouldn't even cross my mind not to talk to someone or tell them any of my techniques, lures, presentations, or favorite spots. We're not talking about the White Marlin Open here.

    I'll tell everyone what I'm using and how, take them to my favorite spot, catch the biggest fish, collect my pot and laugh at them (talking to them the entire time of course)!

    Maybe I don't worry about it as much since I paddle my yak and all you guys will leave me in your peddeled Hobie/Torqueedo wakes without anyone to talk to anyway!


    • #17
      Originally posted by tufnik View Post
      That's exactly my point, Memory. I had a chance to talk to a lot of guys during my first M&G. Got the chance to relate faces to screen names. Even on the water, there was casual chat. There was no rush to catch fish.

      If you want competition, there are tournaments out there. The thing about tournaments is that the main objective is to catch fish, not to take the time to talk to your fellow yaker. That's why I like our M&Gs. We get to Meet and Greet.
      It's not really like that tufnik. I have been to 2 where we did the lure thing. Once I participated and the other time I didn't. Neither time did I feel any less comradery between MKF members. We still talked on the water, still laughed it up. When fishing I don't even think anyone really mentioned the lure anty. As a matter of fact at the end, we usually have to remember who caught the largest fish! LOL No arguing or anything like that, it was just more of an afterthought.

      And its not like the winner gets a huge bounty or a $25 lure. Its all in fun, I wouldn't call it a tournament, it was more like a gentleman's wager. Plus I didn't even buy a lure, I just dug into my supply of unused lures and grabbed a pack of Storm Shads.


      • #18
        No different than entering the "biggest fish" pool when on headboats IMO...

        <insert witty comment here>


        • #19
          Originally posted by MetroMan View Post
          No different than entering the "biggest fish" pool when on headboats IMO...

          Our point is that the object of the M&G's is to get people out Yakin with us ....... Shoot we have over 400 people registered here and around 50 post ........ and last year a bunch of people came out of the shadows and joined us ...... most seemed a little timid at first but now they are gung ho ........nothing wrong with a little friendly competition other than it could intimidate some people that might be on the edge of coming out with us ........ I'd like to see 100 people at the M&G's

          And yeah ....... it is different than a boat pool ......... boat pools are usually presented when eveyone is on board not when they are deciding wether or not to go ........


          • #20
            Last edited by MetroMan; 01-25-2012, 01:34 PM. Reason: not worth it...whatevs
            <insert witty comment here>


            • #21
              No offense, but you guys missed the point.

              I'm not saying tournaments are bad. I'm not saying you can't win a bucket of lures. I'm not saying you can't have fun.

              I'm saying to keep the M&G focused and keep the theme of an M&G.

              If you look at the course of a year, what event is focused on yakers just meeting and greeting for fun? Not the flea markets. They're for buying and selling. Not tournaments. They're for catching the best whatever to get prizes, and they also do charities. Not the expos. They're for promoting, advertising, buying, selling, etc. Not swap meets. Again, for buying and selling.

              There is only one event that I know that is focused and dedicated to yakers meeting and greeting, and that's our monthly M&G.

              We need to ask ourselves, What is the purpose of our M&Gs? To promote kayak fishing and help newcomers? To do charities? To compete?

              To me, and not everyone will agree, it's about meeting acquaintances, casual talk, meeting and welcoming our newbies, showing each other (especially newbies) equipment and talking about technique. Of course fishing too. Do we want to dilute that time with all the planning, hurry-up to meet to determine the winner, etc that comes with a tournament?

              If you want a tournament, there's a bunch out there. A bunch of interested guys can organize do an M&G at those events. And win cool prizes too.

              If you have a MKF tournament, then why don't you call it an MKF Monthly Tournament, not an M&G. By the way, we can fish and M&G at these tournaments as well.

              Of course you can do whatever you like, and I'm sure it'll still be fun. I just believe we should stick to the main theme of our M&G and not dilute it.
              2015 Hobie Outback (yellow)
              2011 Hobie Outback (yellow)
              2009 OK Prowler Trident 13 Angler (orange)


              • #22
                i concur. friendly wagers are best kept to other types of get togethers
                14.5 ft Sand colored Malibu X-Factor "the promise"
                2010 Hobie Outback "the Gift Horse II"


                • #23
                  I don't understand why everything has to be a freakin tournament .........

                  I've won more than my share of tournaments ........... and if I'm in competition .... I ain't showin what I'm doin .... where I'm doin ..... how I'm doin it and what I'm doin it with and I don't have time for more than a little trash talk ........ competition ..... "friendly" or not is competition ........ changes the whole atmosphere ......... braggin rights and peckin order is at stake if nothing else ..........


                  • #24
                    I don't see where anybody said anything HAD to be a "freakin" anything.

                    The friendly competition doesn't change the day, the "I've gotta have the biggest ****" attitude creates the change. Bragging rights and pecking order!?!? Over a few lures or a couple of bucks?

                    I can understand the apprehension regarding scaring new people off, I hadn't thought of it that way. I'm new to MKF myself but I wouldn't skip a M&G because of something like that. I'm not a very competitive person so maybe I see it differently.

                    I threw out the idea but it's up to the group if it happens or not, I don't mind either way.


                    • #25
                      Here are my two cents on a Meet and Greet. All of you guys made valid points on your interest for Mini Tournaments and no min Tournaments. I can see the fun in both. But for me personally I see it as a time to meet like minded people in the sport of Kayak Fishing from all backgrounds and experience levels....and to discuss the day and the catch/no catch over a meal and a beverage.

                      When I started kayak fishing in 2004, I never saw another kayak fisherman anywhere. I finally, met one guy who kayak fished every chance he could get, so I learned alot by going out fishing with him. Well, he moved out of town when he retired from the Government. I then met another kayaker at a TKAA kayak fishing seminar in Norfolk, VA, and it turned out that he lived only 15 minutes from me. So now I had another partner to kayak with. I believe in safety in numbers and I had another partner to learn the art of kayak fishing. Well, not all the time that your schedules can coincide so you can fish together. That is why I am glad that Grilled Sardine pointed me to MKF. Through MKF I attended many of the Meet and Greets and have met many kayak fisherman.. yes that is everyone of you who are reading this long winded story. Everyone that I met have been great and have helped me grow as a kayak fisherman. Through my fellow kayak brothers, I have travelled to many far away waters to explore, which I may not have visited if it wasn't for all of you MKF members. So for me, the M&G is a personal time to fish, socialize, learn, and gain new experiences and make new friends. This is a M&G for me in the purest sense. A bucket of lures is no biggie for me, I value socializing with you guys before or after fishing. This make the M&G special....nothing more...nothing less...... ok stop the tears...


                      • #26

                        Bucket o' lures, pot o' gold or just bragging rights I am trying to out fish all of you every time I get on the water. I rarely do but I am trying.

                        I have learned alot and I have shared alot at M&Gs. I wouldn't mind a little side bet, LITTLE being the operative word here. I think we have a great group of guys here and if the chance to win a few bucks or some lures changes that well, that says alot about the people we fish with.

                        I fished TKAA with several MKF members last year and at least 8 of us fished the same river, we met up in the morning followed each other to the launch and we called each other on cell phones to say we are catching fish get over here. John Foley tried like hell to teach me how to jig for Specks. I failed to say the least. I know another group of MKF members went out in the bay shared info and Pinch caught a winning fish.

                        My point is with a long drive, entry fees, hotel stays and big money on the line MKF members helped each other out and had a lot of fun doing it.

                        Hobie Outback
                        TKAA member
                        Chesapeake Bay Kayak Anglers inc.

                        Everyone should believe in something... I believe I'll go fishing.


                        • #27
                          I think call them "mini tournaments" would give the wrong impression. I think having a "LURE POOL" for biggest fish is a good idea. Its not big money, its not big prizes its a bunch of used or unused tackle.

                          Fishing is fishing and members on this board have always been helpful. I have a hard time believing that a friendly side bet amongst MKF members is enough to make them no longer capable of helping a fellow angler out.
                          Interstate Kayak Fishing


                          • #28
                            When I go fishing, I just want to have fun. Tournaments tend to lead to rules and formalities. There are enough rules and formalities from day to day, without entering into my fishing. However, with that said, there is nothing wrong with some type of calcutta or side type tournament for those who want to join in. Remember, that means that everyone will have to be off the water by a certain time and register the fish. Things get complicated. It also takes time for someone or individuals to sort out complicated.

                            I will only, probably, make a few of the M&G this year, but I would not join in tournaments, just to keep my fishing simple. I would just show up and go fish. To each their own. I am too laid back to take things too seriously.

                            Also, with that said, I have participated in the lure bucket. That is really not a tournament.


                            • #29
                              I like the idea of the lure pool. Sounds like more fun and less hassle.


                              • #30
                                Sorry ....... I just know how I get when there is competition ......... I get focused on winning and not on learning, getting to know the new guys and just smelling the flowers so to speak ........ but that's just me ........

                                Previously the only way you really got a bunch together was to enter a tournament ........ this M&G idea is REALLY refreshing and new to me ...........

                                Ok ..... everyone give MOC an group hug before we sing Kum By Ya .....

