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November Meet & Greet

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  • #46
    I assumed it would be morning. I have never been to a M&G. Everything I have read has been in the morning. I am open to whatever the group wants to do. Morning is probably just as good as any time of day. I can get there as early as anyone would like. I will have the gate open. I just need to know what time the group normally meets or wants to meet for this month. I am open to this option.

    I got another little bit of news today, while working at the store. A fisherman came in and said that while he was fishing on the Old Servern River Bridge fishing pier, he saw a few seatrout caught. They were caught by live line fishman who were fishing for rock. You can take that with a grain of salt, but just last week another guy told me about the seatrout at Highland Beach, which he had caught. Maybe there are a few around.


    • #47
      Nice work, Dogfish!! This looks good.

      I have to vote morning as I have an evening commitment that day. If you're asking which is better, it's always better in shallow water at night. Unless it's fall and they're fattening up for winter! Overcast days can be real good, too.


      • #48
        I'm up for any start time. Are we still shooting for Nov 13 for this event?


        • #49
          I hope so, that is the date I set it up.

          It should be good. Everybody is catching fish. Most all of the fisherman comming into the store is talking about the fish they have caught. From Tolleys to Thomas Point it seem packed with rockfish. Seems as if the blues have moved out. So anyone thinking of using soft plactics, it seems safe. For some of the perch fisherman, the next time it is windy, folks are also catching large perch in Spa Creek. There are plenty of piers on that creek to hold perch.


          • #50
            Well I'm down for whatever time.. I already got the day free from the wife! Dogfish, When I put the addresses you put up, it doesn't look right... That was on Google maps.


            • #51
              I just tried 133 Bayview Dr. East, Annapolis, Maryland 21403 and it worked. That was on Mapquest. I typed in my address to 133 Bayview Dr. East and it came up correct with directions.

              This is part of what I got:

              Should work on Mapquest, from your address to Bayview Dr. East. If this does not work I'll write directions from Route 50 to the launch site. Let me know if anyone continues to have problems.
              Attached Files


              • #52
                Cool I will make sure I use mapquest... stupid Google maps had across the water near Selby beach!


                • #53
                  I don't know if this helps anything, but this is pretty much the pattern that I fished on 11-03. I fish mostly the area between the #6 and #4 marker, from the center of the river back to the shallow flats that resemble a camel's humps. I'm not sure how clear this will be. The dark lines are the areas that I covered on 11-03. These, with the exception of the line into the Selby area, are where I do most of my fishing. Hope this helps some plan their trip. If you compare this to the color map, it may give more clarity.

                  Attached Files
                  Last edited by DOGFISH; 11-04-2010, 04:13 AM.


                  • #54
                    Just a thought for those who paddle troll and may not want to paddle all out for hours. Years ago I used to slow troll bucktails tipped with a live bull minnow. This is like adding a live attractor. The bucktail can also be cast with this method and worked that way. This way you can paddle, then slow down and let the bucktail settle to deeper water. You can then paddle alittle and let the bucktail settle. Years ago this was very effective for me off
                    Thomas Point to Tolleys. I almost always caught fish that way. This is also an effective way to cast around structure. I used this method around Thomas Point lighthouse and the Bay Bridge with much success. I would generally use 1/2 to 1 oz bucktails, some heavier back then, because I was fishing from a boat. This should be very effective from a kayak. This may be an option for those not wanting to continously paddle crankbaits along.

                    Another thing this time of year, the fish are generally schooled up. So if you catch one, double back through the same area once or twice. If no more fish bite, continue on your way. Alot of time I will pick up additional fish with the double back method. For those who have done alot of trolling this may seem like common sense. For those who have not, it may provide a few more fish.

                    Good Luck.


                    • #55
                      Great info, Dogfish. Thanks!

                      BTW, are you headed out this weekend at all? If you are, want some company? I feel the need to fish! I can get out Saturday evening. Gonna be a bit "breezy" tomorrow...


                      • #56
                        I would love to, but I'm working the weekend. I work most weekends at West Marine. The life of a part-timer. I am off Wed and Thurs of next week if you or anyone else would like to go on those days. Afternoon is best for me, but mornings are ok. I am a casual fisher.

                        If I don't see any of you next week, don't overlook Jonas Green park. Alot of people comming into the store are telling tales of rockfish in the Severn. From the park go out towards the mouth of the river. Sounds like good fishing there also. I always liked to fish the contours of that river. There are some good points, drops and shallows.

                        The part-time work is why I don't make many meet and greets. However, this one I made sure I was off. Weather permitting, this should be a good one. The fish have really come into the river feeding on the bait.

                        Good Luck.

                        PS: After last fishing trip, last night I had to go to Bass Pro and get some lures. West Marine doesn't have alot of deep divers. My wife thinks I'm crazy after last trip. I have been all fishing the last few days. This is the time of year I wait for.
                        Last edited by DOGFISH; 11-05-2010, 10:46 AM. Reason: addition


                        • #57
                          How about a count for November 13th

                          1. tucked-in
                          Don't know if it works until you try it.

                          Ocean Kayak Big Game
                          LL Bean Manatee 10


                          • #58
                            Of course I'll be there. Also what time would you all like to start, 6:30, 7:00, 7:30. Anytime is OK with me. Like I said this is my first meet and greet, so I don't know what time everyone starts. I can be there at 6:30 if that is when you start. Around dawn or just before would be good. Anyone can come along when they want. I just need to be there for the early birds.

                            I'm looking forward to this. It should be fun. There are plenty of fish around.


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by Tucked In View Post
                              How about a count for November 13th

                              1. tucked-in
                              2. jffoley


                              • #60
                                1. tucked-in
                                2. jffoley
                                3. redfish12
                                Used to fish more.

