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November Meet & Greet

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  • #91
    On the chart, if you follow the point of land out to the mouth of the South River, past the far shoal, you will see a circle marked as a navigation device, that is the light house. I have hi-lited it in this clip.

    However, it is quite a paddle. On the occasions that I have gone out there, I have trolled out there fished and then trolled back.
    Attached Files


    • #92
      Originally posted by DOGFISH View Post
      The places I mentioned were the BoatYard Bar and Grill or Davis Pub. The Boatyard is bigger, and Davis' is a more of a local pub. Both are casual.

      I kind of lean towards the Boatyard Bar and Grill, as we can put in a word there to add a kayak category to their spring fishing tournament.
      I second Dogfish's suggestion of Boatyard Bar & Grill. Never been there myself but he's the local and if we, as a group, are good guests and can get tournament/meet&greet sponsors AND access to more launch sites all the better !


      • #93
        I third! Would be cool to have a slot in the tournament!
        Used to fish more.


        • #94
          I just checked the weather. If the wind prediction holds up of North at 5 to 10 miles per hour, the river will be nearly flat. That is one of the best wind directions. There will be just a little bit of ripple, just enough to hide the kayak. It should be a very good day for fishing.


          • #95
            Wow, great weather for the M&G. Just checked the weather, North wind at 5 mph tomorrow and 62 degrees. Couldn't ask for better weather in November, and fish too!

            I'll check back this evening for any other questions or directions. See ya'all in the morning.


            • #96
              I'm ready and stoked for this Saturday. I just hit Dicks for lunch and stocked up on some crankbaits and a lure for the grab bag.

              I'm going to bring plenty of red bull for the expected 4 hrs of paddling and trolling. I'm gonna need my wings. See you all around 7:00 am


              • #97
                pretty jealous, but yeah my buddy is buying an ocean drifter this afternoon so there will be two more for the meet and greets once we get outselves together.
                Link to fishing vid, oldie but goodie.


                • #98
                  I had to come back to NC early, wont make it tomorrow.

                  Hope the weather is great and the fish are hungry tomorrow.

