Sounds like a plan.
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Excited to be here! First Post!
Welcome- rigging out a new Yak is a lot of fun and can get a bit $$ if you don't plan carefully- one thing- less is better than more- Big Box stores don't cater much to us...YET- YakAttack, HOOK1, Austin Canoe and Kayak, etc. are some of our speciality on-line suppliers- West Marine usually runs kayak sales that are pretty hard to beat- I bought my Prowler 13 from them- it was under $600- If I were you, I would keep rigging to a minimum until I had paddled/fish a bit to see what accessories you want and exactly where on your Kayak you want to mount them- an anchor trolley is pretty much a must if you are going to do any bottom fishing, but do you want it on the right side of your yak or the left? Welcome aboard and I hope to see you on the water this year!"Lady Luck" 2016 Red Hibiscus Hobie Outback, Lowrance Hook2-7TS
2018 Seagrass Green Hobie Compass, Humminbird 798 ci HD SI
"Wet Dream" 2011 yellow Ocean Prowler 13
Charter member of Tonkin Gulf Yacht Club
Welcome aboard. I'm new to kayak fishing also. I've had my kayak out twice since I bought in the fall. It's a whole new ball game fishing out of kayak. This forum is great and has a wealth of information and friendly folks. I look forward to fishing with you.
Outback 2015
Welcome aboard. There is a great group of friendly Kayak Anglers here. Always tell your significant other that you kayak for the exercise and your my case.. Doctors’ orders. I rarely have any problems hitting the water. Just enjoy the yaking and we will see you on the water.