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  • #16
    AAHHHHH, those single guys. Good Luck!


    • #17
      Launching from Hemingways is a snap. Theres a corner of sand right next to the road that works for the launch site. Take the yak off the top of your vehicle, drag or carry across 75-100 ft of grass and you are there. Last time I was there most of the parking lot was open because Hemingways is closed right now. I have to see how hunting goes on saturday but I may see you on the water there sunday. Good fishin



      • #18
        I love my wife and kids...but DAMN i miss being single sometimes!

        Tight lines guys...tear em up!


        • #19
          Originally posted by chirotrout View Post
          I love my wife and kids...but DAMN i miss being single sometimes!

          Tight lines guys...tear em up!
          did your wife have the baby yet?


          • #20
            Sounds like we're going to have a nice little group out there. I think Jimbo may come as well so hopefully we'll be able to track down some fish.

            Launching as Chimo said is really simple, much easier than SPSP actually.
            Used to fish more.


            • #21
              How'd you guys do?

              I arrived at SPSP at 1030 am. They closed off the side road to the small craft launch beach area, so I went to the boat ramps.

              It was cold and windy at the ramps. It was 37 deg with windchill to below freezing. I heard small craft warnings on my marine radio. As I stood around to see if I could tolerate the cold before making a decision to launch my kayak, I talked to this fellow who just came in with his two buddies on a rigged out boat. He said they marked fish, but caught nothing. The wind (15 knots with gusts over 20 knots), waves and cold led them to call it a day.

              I figured if it was bad for them, and they were dressed in heavy camo outergear, it would be bad for me in my kayak cold gear. I decided to go home.
              2015 Hobie Outback (yellow)
              2011 Hobie Outback (yellow)
              2009 OK Prowler Trident 13 Angler (orange)


              • #22
                [QUOTE=tufnik;5027]How'd you guys do?

                I arrived at SPSP at 1030 am. They closed off the side road to the small craft launch beach area, so I went to the boat ramps.

                It was cold and windy at the ramps. It was 37 deg with windchill to below freezing. I heard small craft warnings on my marine radio. As I stood around to see if I could tolerate the cold before making a decision to launch my kayak, I talked to this fellow who just came in with his two buddies on a rigged out boat. He said they marked fish, but caught nothing. The wind (15 knots with gusts over 20 knots), waves and cold led them to call it a day.

                I figured if it was bad for them, and they were dressed in heavy camo outergear, it would be bad for me in my kayak cold gear. I decided to go home.[/QUOT

                Smart Move .......... would hate for the next meet and greet to be your funeral ............ be safe out there guys ...... no fish is worth your lfe ......

                the older I get the safer I get ......... years ago I wouldn't have thought twice and gone out and now I wonder how I've survived so long ..........


                • #23
                  Yes, it was a very very tough day out there on saturday. Mdmaikmara posted full report in the boatyard section.

