Actually, one of my favorite fall season lures is a fresh water lure. Sorry, I don't recall the exact model, but it is rated for 7-15' in depth. It is a glass rap in glass shad or glass ghost color, or something like that. It will match the size of the peanut bunker in the fall of the year. The stripers are pigging out on these small bunker that time of year. I swap out the LM bass hooks for 3X or 4X, with the belly hook being red of the same size as the original and the tail hook in black or galvanized in one size larger. The regular LM bass type hooks sometime bend out with stripers.
As far as suspending, that is also written on the box, floating, sinking, susepnding.
As far as suspending, that is also written on the box, floating, sinking, susepnding.