+1 on the Torqeedo ........ ya won't be sorry .......... don't forget to use the Hook1 Discount
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Anyone using a torqeedo around here?
Originally posted by john from md View PostThanks Dogfish for your info. If I can make a clip on type of connection from the motor to my rudder, I will do it, if not, I will leave it fixed and use the paddle to help turn.
I don't troll and do paddle so I'm thinking there will be plenty of power when I need it. If I really wanted to get inventive, I could make a shade out of the solar panel that torqeedo sells. Hmmm, that might not be a bad idea.
John......... also, I think it's made to be used with your rudder peddles ....... Chad Hoover would be the 1 for that .......... most of us use the Torqeedo with Hobies .........
Good to know. I have only gone to the park on one occasion and nobody bothered me. Not to say that it is right or that no one will have a problem in the future. I actually have access to the Navy base and prefer launching from there.
Originally posted by MetroMan View PostThe rules are posted there at the park, and are quite clear about "no trailers" and car top only. The same rules & regulations apply to all of AA county's Car-top launch sites.
I pecked out a lengthy reply, only to have it disappear into the netherworld.
I will try again.
My wife and I both fish from yaks powered by Torqeedos. We absolutely love them.
I clocked mine on a lake w/o wind or current as doing over 8 mph and I am a big guy.
The wife's is on a WS Tarpon 120 and mine is on an Ellie Carrabean 14.
The battery has pretty good use time if you don't use high power. We went from Everglades City to the gulf and back and sh made it all the way back but lost power about 1/3 of the way accroosChokoloskie BayJohn Waters
"Waters Edge"
"sh made it all the way back but lost power about 1/3 of the way accroosChokoloskie Bay"
I guess I can keep my TOWBOAT insurance for when the need arises. Can you imagine the look on the Captains face when he arrives for a tow and finds a yak.
Ocean Kayak Trident 13 Angler (Sand)
MK Endura Max 55 backup power
Vibe Skipjack 90
Graduate of the University of the Republic of South Vietnam, class of 1972
I was at the Bay Bridge last week dealing with 3.5 to 4 foot waves generated by wind. My buddy had to bail after about an hour. I stayed on the bridge, using the Torqeedo at a lower constant setting and caught 17 rockfish. I use the motor on the river, on reservoirs and the bay. I can power fish for largemouth or smallmouth with a spinnerbait, keeping the motor going slowly, casting as I go. I can hold off on the long paddle back late in the day if I am on fish, whereas before the motor I would need to leave fish because of the paddle back. I put in on river, motoring upstream getting a preview of what I will fish on the float back down. I tow buddies all the time when we decide that we need to be over there right now. I plastered my "13.1" half marathon sticker on the kayak to point to when people call me lazy for having it. Don't get me wrong, if you want to be lazy and not paddle, you will enjoy the Torqeedo, but for me it's all about getting in more fishing every time I am out there. I retie, or eat, or hands free play with the sonar, or rerig baits or just look up and notice stuff that I wouldn't if I were paddling my butt off. Mine is linked to the rudder cables so I can steer with my feet. I wouldn't do it any other way. I got mine at HOOK1 kayakfishinggear.com, and I'm sure they will "HOOK" you up with a discount. With that price tag, you'll need it, but it's so worth doing. It has changed how I fish for the better!IMG_1394.jpgWilderness Systems Pro Staff since 2002.
Whow! There was alot of emotion and some good information that came with that post.Obviously you are happy with your motor. Most of the people on this forum and several others seem to really like them which says good things to me. I am in the process of selling my boat so it shouldn't be too long before I too give Hook1 a jingle.
Ocean Kayak Trident 13 Angler (Sand)
MK Endura Max 55 backup power
Vibe Skipjack 90
Graduate of the University of the Republic of South Vietnam, class of 1972
Originally posted by john from md View Post"sh made it all the way back but lost power about 1/3 of the way accroosChokoloskie Bay"
I guess I can keep my TOWBOAT insurance for when the need arises. Can you imagine the look on the Captains face when he arrives for a tow and finds a yak.