I already confessed to being newish to the kayaking and fishing in this area on another thread. As a result of my newbieness, I don't have any mirror lures. Don't get me wrong, I have tons of other surf fishing plugs but none of the mirrolures. I have read enough threads to realize that they are a pretty common plug in this area. So starting from scratch, which are the top 5 I should add to my arsenal? (5 for now)
Any help appreciated
I already confessed to being newish to the kayaking and fishing in this area on another thread. As a result of my newbieness, I don't have any mirror lures. Don't get me wrong, I have tons of other surf fishing plugs but none of the mirrolures. I have read enough threads to realize that they are a pretty common plug in this area. So starting from scratch, which are the top 5 I should add to my arsenal? (5 for now)
Any help appreciated