For those who think that you cannot catch large fish from a kayak -- think again. I just returned from two weeks in south Florida. I fished on 11 days with kayak fishing guides Alex Tejeda and Randy Morrow. During those 11 trips with the guides, I caught a total of 23 different species of fish. I was delighted to catch all of the prized inshore gamefish species for which south Florida is known. These include tarpon, permit, bonefish, barracuda, lemon sharks, bonnethead sharks, blacktip sharks, and Goliath grouper. I caught 6 species that I had never caught before (permit, Goliath grouper, trunkfish, lookdown, yellow jack, and dog snapper). I also caught personal best fish of two other species (7' lemon shark, 14” mojarra). I consider the trip very successful.
I wrote up a trip report that goes into detail on where I fished and what I caught day-by-day. It is full of color photos. That report can be downloaded from Google Drive at

I wrote up a trip report that goes into detail on where I fished and what I caught day-by-day. It is full of color photos. That report can be downloaded from Google Drive at
