They are sold for walleye, I pair with gulp leeches when I want to catch something big and can troll deep through current on the potomac. I have also used on kayak to troll for trout in lakes replacing gulp with nightcrawlers.
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Slow at 301 Bridge, 7/21
That bottom bouncer reminds me of the good ole Lindy products for my early years browsing thru the cabelas catalog. The fuzzy Grubs, Walking sinkers, Worm and leech harness in every color imaginable. Those northern boys have some sweet looking walleye rigs.
I have never tried those. Id bet they work great on rocky bottoms with allot of snags. I bet you could troll for stripers with those in the bay. The lead and wire arm would kick up the bottom and you could attach a gulp on a plain hook with a 2 ft leader.
Thanks for the tip about the harness, Ed. I was trying to think of a good way to get something down in the zone.
Jack--I've been waiting to see how the redfish pan out this year and was planning on making a trip there to check it out later in August or September. I didn't get any redfish last year.Thanks for the info.
Yellow Hobie Revo Rube Goldberg
Yellow Tarpon 120
I love those bottom bouncing rigs. I have used them for a wide variety of fish and situations. They don't like too much speed, but for slow trolling they are great!.......We've caught dozens and dozens of walleye with them.14.5 ft Sand colored Malibu X-Factor "the promise"
2010 Hobie Outback "the Gift Horse II"