Baitball, Big Mike and I hit the launch at daylight, dead low the sun was coming up the tide began to move and so did the fish...great day on the water...lots of fish...3-5 pound Bluefish on top water poppers wore me OUT...finally got a couple of Stripers on top water a nice fat 19 1/4 that I released and a really fat 22”...the blues would not leave me alone so I decided to leave them...Mike and Manny were scoring on speckled trout so I headed over to them...Manny was nailing 13-14 inch flounder on one small hole that did not have enough room for two of us, so I decided to troll a pearl/chart Bass Assassin on a 1/4 oz jighead..started picking up undersized speckled trout...added a chartreuse Bass Assassin on a 3/8 jighead and started picking up larger thirty or more Specks today, several 16 inch Specks...the tide started to slow a bit and Big Mike and I decided to try for flounder...we both caught several- Mike’s Biggest was a 16” fish and my biggest was a 16 1/4”...everyone caught plenty of fish today, but I’ll let them chime in on their post.