after school i went perch fishing and a few cast later got hooked up and when it came up i saw a brown oval and thought flounder! well thats what it was and when i lifted it up out of the water it flopped off. later i cot a 15 inch rock and realized my drag on my 19 dollar shakespeare ultra light was broken so i went home and then to martys and bought a shimano soltice (its sooooooo much better than the 19 dollar shakespeare reel) and loaded it with 10 pound braid. then i went to the new ihop with my mom and it was great. when i got home i went back fishing and caught about 20 10-12 inch perch and then last cast i hooked into something a little bigger and thought red drum and pulled it out of the water and it was a nice 17 and 3/4 inch rockfish
he was fun on my ultralight. also met a fellow tidalfisher at martys
