many reports of pickeral being caught. I havemany reports of pickeral being caught. I have tried the past few 3 days in blackwalnut cove ( and small tributary in between the tried the past few 3 days in blackwalnut cove ( and small tributary in between the south and severn river). All 3 days I have used mepps and live minnows under bobbers south and severn river). All 3 days I have used mepps and live minnows under bobbers and all I have caught is perch(which is still fun) but I really want to catch a pickeral. I and all I have caught is perch(which is still fun) but I really want to catch a pickeral. I have read j veil say that he uses gulp, and micro king spinners, and then live minnows, have read j veil say that he uses gulp, and micro king spinners, and then live minnows, but now under a bobber. When using the live minnow without a bobber do you reel fast but now under a bobber. When using the live minnow without a bobber do you reel fast or slow? And do you let the pickeral have time to eat the minnow simmilar to live or slow? And do you let the pickeral have time to eat the minnow simmilar to live lining?. I have tried at least 5 colors of mepps spoons and I have tried fast and slow lining?. I have tried at least 5 colors of mepps spoons and I have tried fast and slow retieves but no pickeral. I know pickeral are back ther ebecause I hooked one in the retieves but no pickeral. I know pickeral are back ther ebecause I hooked one in the summer on a small bucktail, but he bit me off . Please let me know what I'm doing summer on a small bucktail, but he bit me off . Please let me know what I'm doing wrong and any other tips on how to catch this fish. wrong and any other tips on how to catch this fish.
PS-PS-I am using a 5 5 st croix triumph ultra light rod with a shimano sienna 500 size I am using a 5 5 st croix triumph ultra light rod with a shimano sienna 500 size reel and I am using 4 pound test power pro and a 20 inch long 10 pound test flouro reel and I am using 4 pound test power pro and a 20 inch long 10 pound test flouro carbon leader . carbon leader .
Thanks in advance for the help Thanks in advance for the help
PS-PS-I am using a 5 5 st croix triumph ultra light rod with a shimano sienna 500 size I am using a 5 5 st croix triumph ultra light rod with a shimano sienna 500 size reel and I am using 4 pound test power pro and a 20 inch long 10 pound test flouro reel and I am using 4 pound test power pro and a 20 inch long 10 pound test flouro carbon leader . carbon leader .
Thanks in advance for the help Thanks in advance for the help