I had a all day conference in Southern Maryland wednesday, so you know I loaded my kayak in the truck- after the end of the conference I had planned to fish from Clark's Landing, but after checking the Striper seasonal map noticed the area was in the closed to fishing zone until today, May 16th. No problem, I headed south twenty five miles to St. Jerome's creek and launched at 4:45 p.m. into a stiff SW wind - peddled to the inlet- hooked up a nice striper and released it after putting it on the Hog Trough and taking its picture- dropped back the baits and started trolling- rod doubled over and started taking drag- an hour later I pulled a fifty pound cow nosed ray to the boat- got the lure back and released the ray- dropped the lure back and the rod doubled over again- another ray- after four rays- I threw in the towel and headed back to the launch- the creek is lousy with rays- you cannot fish without hooking up a big strong ray- and then the fight is on-
Oh yeah, during one of the epic ray battles, I lost my ACK Hog Trough-did not see when or where- it was just gone-
Oh yeah, during one of the epic ray battles, I lost my ACK Hog Trough-did not see when or where- it was just gone-