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This donut isnt for breakfast... Hoopers Island 9/6

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  • This donut isnt for breakfast... Hoopers Island 9/6

    I checked the surf from the beach @ SPSP just b 4 sunrise & I decided to seek more sheltered water. It's always too windy 4 me on my day off work. I paid the legal thief (toll) & drove east. Stopping at a couple spots along the way I caught wp, bg, LM bass, & crappie @ Wye Mills & a 2-ft catfish in Hillsboro. Eventually, I made it to Hoopers Isl. but not b 4 having to change a flat tire after running over some trash on the road getting there. I couldnt dodge the trash in the road as a truck was coming towards me at the same time....bummer....atleast my exhaust pipe is still intact! With no shoulder on the road to pull over I pulled into the driveway to an abandoned house to change the tire.... I found out that the owners live next door in the newer house.. They were cool. My spare tire looked a lil low so the kind folks at Ghottee's(sp) or however u spell it, gave me a blast of air..... so i could get back to fishing. Launching @2:30 til 7pm I explored the marsh and channel @ the 1st bridge, then I bb'd it by drifting under the bridge during the ripping out-going tide. This sheltered area was better for me than taking a dip in the drink by the cold front, windswept waters there. Something big snapped my line a few times. I paddled into the Honga and fished the west side. I shared the channel w/a big 20ft welded jonboat w/ a bunch of senior citizens...nothing wrong w/that.... Upon return to the launch, the seniors showed me their catch.... I was stoked to see big reds, horse croakers, a keeper dtriper, and a humongous black drum. Its stripes were kind of faded thats why i dont think its a sheepshead, plus, i didnt see the teeth which wouldve made ID easy. I only caught rockfish all day. My 1st cast landed a fat 14" rock. We celebrated our catch together drinking cold non-alcoholic bevs. Then I drove home slower than usual on the donut.... Good thing I had a donut!

  • #2
    Even with the flat, it sounds like you had a pretty good day on the water with a decent variety of species at the different spots. Congrats on the catches!


    • #3
      Sounded like a good day regardless of the catch and the flat. Next time follow the seniors.
      Laura (aka zeebyrd)
      Perception Pescador Pro 100


      • #4
        You still did good after all that. Good job.

        Outback 2015

