Searched for pups yesterday on the flats behind Assateague. No luck, just large nasty hound fish. Still early. Switched gears to flounder. I didn't have any live bait, so I drifted white Gulp! on a carolina rig. Caught 4 or 5 flounder. One was 23 inches. He later flopped himself to freedom when he went nuts inside the cooler, knocking the the lid open, and flinging his fat arse back in the water. Whatever, I don't even like flounder samitches
(Sorry, no pic because I didn't want to risk losing him. Insert irony)
Picked up at the top of the flood and went to the Rt. 50 bridge. It was an outgoing tide and decent current. Caught a ton of 18-25 inch stripers. No weakies, no blues, or shad, but still a fish about every 3-4 casts. Called it a night around 10:00.
Got pulled over on the way home. The cop liked fishing and hooked me up with a warning. That kinda makes up for the acrobatic flounder.
Picked up at the top of the flood and went to the Rt. 50 bridge. It was an outgoing tide and decent current. Caught a ton of 18-25 inch stripers. No weakies, no blues, or shad, but still a fish about every 3-4 casts. Called it a night around 10:00.
Got pulled over on the way home. The cop liked fishing and hooked me up with a warning. That kinda makes up for the acrobatic flounder.