Wanted to see if any Rockfish have moved into the Severn, so this morning I decided to hit the walls along Greenbury Point. Was throwing a Bendback fly on my new 9wt- no takers. Saw birds diving on water and later small Rockfish breaking. I moved over and was able to land a couple small schoolies. As I was heading back to Jonas Green, I ducked into a local cove to see if I could find some Pickerel. Was able to land a nice 20" on the Bendback fly.
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Continuing back trek back to Jonas Green, I saw some Navy yardboats practicing laying protective booms for oil spills. Nice to see our Navy in action.
Just wondering and hoping that the Rockfish will begin to show up in my local waters.
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Continuing back trek back to Jonas Green, I saw some Navy yardboats practicing laying protective booms for oil spills. Nice to see our Navy in action.
Just wondering and hoping that the Rockfish will begin to show up in my local waters.