Nope- the 16 foot deep hole is in a very narrow strait on the southeastern tip between two underwater obstructions in about four feet of water- it looks to be a couple of miles from the launch- the five foot narrow channel out of the launch could be a gold mine as it is in the shallow 2-3 foot deep Parker Bay- I plan to troll a one ounce white Spro's bucktail dressed with a three inch chartreuse Gulp Swim Shad behind me on the 2 mile way out to the target area- if I catch fish along the way...I might just stop and fish that area- Saturday is supposed to be pretty nice- the shallow Chincoteague bay above Queen Sound and Four Mouths should be prime flounder habitat and should be lightly fished. In any event- I am going to recon the eastern shore areas for some night fishing opportunities this summer- got to be a prime place for big redfish and gator speckled trout cruising the flats and the occasional sighting of an eastern shore tarpon.