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June Meet & Greet - Rumbley, MD - June 14th

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  • #76
    I am going to try and make this as well. So please add me to the roster.


    • #77
      Yes Milfoil, Shirtpond Cove does hold fish. Just don't try to get there by going east from the launch and expect to be able to get under the Frenchtown-Rumbley bridges. They are very low lying but easy to portage around if you'd like. Otherwise, from the launch, go west around Frenchtown then follow the creek east (don't know the name). It cuts through to Shirtpond cove. There is a really good grass bed off of the southern point of Hazard Island if you follow the western edge of Shirtpond cove. I've caught quite a few specks there and always try to hit it every trip .


      • #78
        Im Out... Unfortunately my wife made some "surprise" fathers day plans.... SURPIRSE!!! Good Luck All... Hope to make the next one....
        Ocean Kayak Trident 13


        • #79
          I'm in..

          Screw the winds, there is plenty of water down there that there has to be a leeward bank to get behind…. I was waiting on the boy to give me an answer on whether he was coming or not, I'll be solo. worst comes to worst, I can hit many other spots on the ride back home.



          • #80
            I am in, winds can be difficult but they can also push fish around. In my surf fishing days, we always fished into the wind. On the windward side.
            Ocean Kayak Yellow 13


            • #81
              I will also do my best to be there by 6:30. 3:30+ drive. Will you all be near a radio if so what frequency (channel)?
              Ocean Kayak Yellow 13


              • #82
                I'm glad to see we have so many diehards willing to brave the winds!

                I spoke to a few people on the phone and we've decided to plan a back-up spot in the even that Rumbley is just down right awful tomorrow and folks feel it's not worth launching there. We'll still plan to meet at Rumbley in the morning and decide from there once we see how it is. RavensDefense is also planning to launch at the butt crack of dawn there and he should have a real-time conditions report for us by the time we get there I hope. If folks think the wind isn't too bad and conditions are doable then we'll go for it!

                In the event that we do go to the back-up plan, we'll still have lunch at the Hide Away Grill but might adjust lunch time a little. Again, we'll play that by ear in the morning.

                So the back-up plan will be Champ Wharf Road in Oriole, MD. It's on the north side of the Manokin River and, in theory, should provide some wind break from a NW wind. I've been to the launch before and it's plenty big enough but I've never fished out there myself... Directions: Off of Rt. 13 take Rt. 363 Deal Island Rd. Take left onto Rt. 627 Oriole Rd. Left onto Champ Rd and right onto Champ Wharf Road.

                Again, this is the back-up for now and we still plan to meet at Rumbley in the morning before to decide on Plan A or B. The launch area at Rumbley is in the heart of the fishing grounds so conditions at the launch will be indicative of the conditions to expect while fishing. It's about a 30 minute drive from Rumbley to Champ Wharf Road.

                Sorry about the possibility of changing things last minute in the morning but I just want to try and get the best conditions we can. See everybody in the morning and hopefully the wind gods change their mind overnight!!!!



                • #83
                  Originally posted by wschrack View Post
                  I will also do my best to be there by 6:30. 3:30+ drive. Will you all be near a radio if so what frequency (channel)?
                  Usually monitor channel 68.


                  • #84
                    Add another. For lunch too. Leaving sometime tonight so I can get there plenty early. See everyone there.


                    • #85
                      Slobber Bob, I got a call that Shield and Wingman (Don and Keith) are going to join and meet us at the Ramp. I agree that there are lots of places over there to fish and explore, that is why I am staying overnight....maybe some night fishing if the weather permits. Anyone staying over night at Janes Island?


                      • #86
                        Any reports?? Pics?
                        14.5 ft Sand colored Malibu X-Factor "the promise"
                        2010 Hobie Outback "the Gift Horse II"


                        • #87
                          Brian put together a great M&G, unfortunately the wind blew its ace off which made for some large waves, lots of grass, and difficult fishing. I don't believe any specks were caught at Rumbley; just a few small stripers. I know others went to a more protected launch in the afternoon, so they can share their report. Moc took a few pictures, so I am sure he will post them.

                          I also went yesterday. What a difference a day makes condition-wise. It was dead flat everywhere you looked. Still lots of grass. More stripers. No specks.

                          Hobie Fishing Team Member
                          Survival Products, Salisbury, MD

                          2017 Camo Hobie Outback
                          2015 Olive Hobie Outback


                          • #88
                            Originally posted by kevinfry View Post
                            Any reports?? Pics?
                            Increasing winds all morning - check!

                            Building waves - check!

                            Drop in water clarity - check!

                            So in other words, the meet and greet left a lot of fishing to be desired. I give the group credit though. Everybody made a valiant effort out of it and despite deteriorating conditions still seemed to have a good time just getting out. I didn't get hear too many reports but it didn't sound like much was caught in the morning. I know I got 4 short stripers and foul hooked a ray.

                            After lunch a few us stuck around and tried the north side of the Manokin River out of Champ Wharf hoping it would be more sheltered. It was certainly better conditions with less waves and clean water still, but the wind wasn't that much better - once you left the creek at least. It was my first time over there so I did a long paddle head into the wind exploring the fish structure and then slowly letting the wind work me back. It's not a bad place but didn't seem to have too much to offer when I think of speck territory.

                            Although, I did find a nice point with two creeks just off of it, and with the tide starting to go out, the current from the creeks wrapped around the point making a great looking spot. Plenty of small crabs and baitfish drifting around the point along with lots of short stripers, a few pelicans diving, and at least one speck! I released a nice 23" fatty... At least we could say one speck was caught during the M&G .

                            I just wish the weather had been more favorable so everybody could explore away from the launch a little further and maybe get a few specks. Always next time I guess...



                            • #89
                              yes wind, waves, but still had a good time would have liked to have explored a little more but didn't feel like fighting the weather. I had one bite early but I saw it coming and pulled the trigger to early and all it got was a paddle tale. On the way back around the point my nephew turtled the wind pushed him to the rocks and a wave finished him off he didnt lose anything but decided just to drag across the point on land and put in on the other side. Hopefully will get back down with better weather. Lunch was good Thanks Brian for putting together the M&G it was a success despite the conditions.
                              D Hawk
                              Green Malibu X-Factor stolen dream
                              Sand Malibu X-Factor The replacement


                              • #90
                                I ended up spending the night nearby to get a good nights rest Saturday night and boy did I need it after battling the winds and those waves. I was impressed to see all who turned out for the meet and greet knowing the weather forecast. You cannot under estimate the drive of an angler to fish and have a good meal and an adult beverage and good company. I ended up only catching spots and croakers on Saturday. I also recued a turtle. A water turtle bit Kikatyaker's hook when she was bottom fishing and the hook went through the turtle's lower jaw. I asked Kitkat for some pliers and one with a cutting edge. I was able to snip off the barb of the hook and gently back out the hook from the turtle's lower jaw. He was now free and went back into the water. The croakers went home with me on Sunday and was fried that afternoon. They were delicious. Sunday was a beautiful day weather-wise. Winds ranged from 4mph to 9mph. I did not end up fishing but crabbed instead. I wanted to test the waters there for those tasty crustaceans. Kitkatyaker joined me for a morning of instructional crabbing. We ended up catching 25 keeper crabs with 8 traps before driving home. A local trot liner only caught 5 keeper crabs all morning, so I think we did pretty well. The crabs were in pretty shallow (3-4 feet of water). Needless to say that I cooked the crabs Sunday night with the fried croakers. Despite the weather the Meet and greet was fun.
                                Attached Files

